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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Part 3 of a serene moment in a little coffee shop...

Number one, you were my son,
You would have been my pride.
But Labor Day
Took you away
You left me 'cause you died.

Number two, I was renewed
In faith you would arrive
But Christmastime
Would pass me by
Just like you did in life.

Number three, you were to be
My little girl named Mary
And once again
My eyes so dim...
They watched your soul be buried.

Number four, you were the door
Still cracked to light of hope.
Your name was Chad,
That's all you had
Cause you joined your siblings three.

I'm glad you cannot see your dad
And what he has become
He writes these things
Which no one reads
And cannot see the sun.

So dance or play wherever you are and thank the Creator for such...I'm having a bit of trouble as of late.

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