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Monday, September 30, 2013

Nearer My God to Thee

This is achingly beautiful, in the sense that I still return to listen to it whenever I remember to do so.  I dare not say that music isn't the way it used to be, being the skeptical musician I am.  Of course music isn't the way it used to be.  Music evolves...always has and always will.  Good or bad is in the eye of the beholder.  Rather, I will say that the verses in this song, written by the hand that listened to their heart, in that RIGHT place AND time in 1841 so that this was penned...up to the point this choir brilliantly captured completely unique. 

Thank you to Sarah Adams for this work.  Thank you also to all artists living or not, especially those afflicted of the heart for whatever reason, who take the moments to wrestle your words onto paper against your own grief for those of us in the future who cope.

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