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Monday, September 12, 2011

Drugs with the Pugs

I had surgery for the second time in my life on Thursday. It is to repair a deviated septum, which essentially is when your nasal canal is crooked enough to cause obstructions in your breathing. Needless to say, I am grateful for getting it done. As I type, I am hyped up on medication and stuffed with gauze. I cannot wait for the gauze to come out via two green strings hanging out my nose on Thursday. The flow of oxygen will be 'shocking', I've heard.

I want to talk about the use of these drugs. I despise substances, legal or illegal. I do not even like taking aspirin or ibuprofen. I see them the way I do caffeine: they're all designed as a crutch (caffeine, unfortunately, is one I have proudly limped around with for quite some time, now). But today I will give some credit to these 'drugs', at least the ones prescribed for me. First, they have relaxed me in an amazing way. You would think that sitting around my house for days on end would normally drive me nuts, but I have thouroughly enjoyed it. Only the drugs, people...I assure you.

Secondly, I deleted my useless myspace page I have kept active for five years for some sick reason. It feels wonderful not having that linger back there as if it were a bad canker. Myspace wore out its welcome in 2007 for me. Now I'm just waiting to say the same of Facebook. I may be waiting a little longer for that.

Thirdly, I've reconnected with some special people. I know now that when I'm myself, I'm apparently unsociable because I do not talk to people (phone, email, name it). Since I have been drugged, I talk to lots of people...happily at that.

Finally, I've reasoned that this drugging is nothing less than a truth serum of sorts. It has a way of making me relax so as to allow what's below the surface come forth. I've been pleasantly surprised to learn I do not miss a thing about my job. I was honestly predicting I'd be bored at the house, recovering and all, ready to get back to work, but I have realized that I truly dread going back and therefore, I really must hate that place. In talking to my wife, we both are miserable at our jobs for different reasons. I will not go into all of them, but I guess I've learned that the next time I need to learn how I really feel about something, it pays to get sick for the intoxicating education of the prescribed chemicals alone. It would save a fortune on therapy.

I will say one thing has pissed me off terribly during this time. When I type, I have to rewrite every word twice because apparently...ineffective typing is a side effect.

Recommended music while reading this blog = "West Coast Friendship" by Starflyer 59

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